Thursday, October 31, 2019

Global study 300 Case Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Global 300 - Case Study Example obalization, which has led to opening up of economies to global competition, giving room to ideas, goods, capital and people to interact and move freely between countries. Free market, justice to all people, and personal freedom are elements of neoliberalism. It relates to Washington consensus in the sense that it encourages economic policies that aimed to reform and repair the damaged economies of third world countries. He thinks so because via education and government accountability poverty can be eliminated but the movie End of Poverty disagrees because corruption and poor policies to eradicate poverty does not exists. In sum, government is not committed to eliminating poverty. Globalization has destabilized the economies of poor states and uncovered people to harmful competition. Their concern is rational and understandable especially since the gap between the poor and the rich has become more prevalent in recent ages. Poverty can be deliberated in various ways, for instance, relative to a nation’s individual average consumption level or in terms of well being of citizens It is a believe that nations that they have the responsibility to protect its population and resources. It is controversial because states have failed to protect their population which have resulted in murder and massive

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Three Rhetorical Strategies and Effects Assignment

Three Rhetorical Strategies and Effects - Assignment Example Cause and effect is a rhetorical strategy that a writer uses to focus on or explain why an event or situation occurs and links this with what might happen. Cause deals with the investigation and analysis of past events while effects deal with the prediction of future events based on past events (Mukalel 80). Writers employ this method when explaining pertinent global issues such as global warming or social issues like the investigation of the reasons for the rise in teenage drug abuse. Comparing and contrasting: Comparisons are used to look for similarities between things while contrasts look for differences. Application of this strategy requires the writer to locate similarities and differences between two or more things. At first glance, only differences may be obvious but upon closer analysis, the writer is likely to find more similarities than earlier anticipated and convey them to the reader. Compare and contrast is mainly used in report writing, giving a speech especially to persuade your audience to hold a particular position, endorsing an individual or party and making an argument. It can be done it two ways; block technique, the writer gives the differences first and then later list the similarities, Point- by- point involves explaining both sides in an alternating manner, for instance, A,B, A,B to the exhaustion of all points. A description is a rhetoric technique that involves describing a place, person or thing. The writer when describing often attempts to paint a mental picture of the person, place or thing to the reader in such a way that the reader can visualize the object in detail. He or she achieves this by indicating how the object looks like, feels smells, sounds, tastes. It requires a proper choice of verbs, clear adjectives, and specific nouns in order to be successful (Mukalel 109).  

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Is transformational leadership effective in schools

Is transformational leadership effective in schools The leadership behaviour of school principals is an important aspect of student performance and the general functioning of the school as a whole. The importance of high quality, effective leadership has been shown to be one of the major contributing factors leading to high performance in schools (Reynolds, 1991; Hallinger and Heck, 1999; Sammons et al, 1995). Several research studies have shown Effective leadership not only improves educational outcomes; it also ensures that disciplinary problems among students are addressed effectively. Two major leadership styles that have been predominantly used are transactional and transformational styles of leadership. While the former is predominantly an instructional style of leadership while a transformational approach tends to be more team based. In applying different models of leaders and various approaches to leadership, there has been a general consensus that school leadership differs from organizational leadership, hence a team based ap proach may be more suitable. School leadership essentially needs to combine leadership and management capabilities. Everard and Morris (1990) have laid out five stages of management, wherein setting goals, planning and organizing resources for the achievement of goals and implementing control and corrective procedures are important in achieving the desired objectives. In the context of transformational leadership styles, Bolman and Deal (1997) are of the view that Poorly managed organizations with strong, charismatic leaders may soar temporarily only to crash shortly thereafter. (Bolman and Deal, 1997: xiii-xiv). In the international context, cultural implications may also need to be taken into consideration in determining what kind of leadership style would be relevant. On the basis of the above, the research question examined in this study is whether a transformational leadership style is really effective in schools? Definitions of school leadership: Outstanding leadership has invariably emerged as a key characteristic of outstanding schools (Beare, Caldwell and Millikan, 1989:99). The concept of leadership itself however, is not easy to define. There is no correct definition (Cuban, 1988:190), but some of its constituent elements include the process of influence(Leithwood et al, 1999:6; Ogawa and Bossert, 1995:225-6), mostly a social influence (Yuki, 2002:3) that may be exercised by individuals or by teams (Harris, 2002; Leithwood, 2001). The school as an organization is somewhat different from other organizations. As Mitchell and Tucker (1992) have pointed out, leadership has generally been viewed as the ability to take charge and ensure that the required objectives are met, which presents the quality of leadership as being somewhat aggressive. In the school environment however, such a view of leadership might not be entirely appropriate, because aggressive or instructional leadership would tend to ignore the benefits of teamwork or transformational leadership. With a school environment, leadership would be more about leaders extending invitations to the individuals and groups with whom they interact, in order to build a shared and evolving vision of enhanced educational experiences for pupils. (Stoll and Fink, 1996: 109). Leadership theories and models: Within an educational context, existing leadership practices for school leaders prior to the 1950s were focused upon the lessons to be learnt from the prior experiences of school administrators and their insights into effective practice methods on the basis of their personal experiences. (Heck and Hallinger, 2005). This approach was however inadequate and attention shifted to the need to apply scientific principles based on empiricism rather than on the basis of ideals or personal beliefs and experiences. A transactional leadership style involves leaders who exchange tangible rewards for the work and the loyalty of their followers, thereby adopting a purely practical approach. Transformational leaders on the other hand, are able to motivate and inspire their followers and raise their consciousness about the desired objectives and outcomes, and how they could be achieved (Gellis, 2001; Judge and Piccolo, 2004). A later approach however, suggested that these two styles of leadership were not necessarily mutually exclusive; rather most good leaders appear to demonstrate some traits of both styles of leadership (Judge and Piccolo, 2004:755). A transformational leadership style relies largely upon the personality of the leader and his or her capacity to inspire and motivate followers. As Everard and Morris (1985) have pointed out within the school context however, an important task in an educational institution is the reconciliation of value systems of different people in such a manner that a clear statement of aims and beliefs is derived, to which a majority of the stakeholders can subscribe. (Everard and Morris, 1985:142). This must also be coupled with a clear, educationally focused vision, which articulates a realistic, credible, attractive future for the organization (Deal and Peterson, 1994). While the input, vision and ideals of the principal are important, the school context requires bringing together the ideas and commitments of a variety of people who have a stake in the success of the school. (Tom Sergiovanni, 1987). As Beare, Caldwell and Millikan (1989) have stated, outstanding leaders are those who have a vi sion for their school, but they also share this mental picture with everyone in the school community. The vision of the principal is vital because it serves as a pointer to the direction in which the school should go; however, if this vision is the principals alone and is not shared by the other members of the organization, then staff and students may tend to merely go through the motions rather than actually supporting the vision and being deeply committed to it. As Hopkins has pointed out, effective school leadership must embrace both the distinctive aspects of the school which set it apart, as well as the inclusive context of the school, which fosters unity of purpose. He points out that there are two aspects to leadership the first is the policy that one size fits all while on the other hand, is the claim that because each institution is unique and different, it cannot learn from the experiences of another institution. This principle may be fallacious and school leadership may need to adopt a policy of adapt practices that have been proven to be effective elsewhere and incorporate it within the specific context of their own schools. On this basis, he has suggested policy that school leadership must include both the distinctive and inclusive context of the school. This implies that (a) the context of the school must be embraced in its entirety before any practices proven elsewhere can be incorporated and (b) the particular mix of skills re quired in school leadership will differ from one context to the other. The contingency model of leadership specifically stipulates that in terms of its contextual variables, each school is unique. Although the homogeneity associated with globalisation tend to produce an assumption that a uniform leadership style may successfully be applied to all schools, this perception may not be strictly correct. Rather, as Dimmock and Walker have suggested, policies and practices should not be imported without due consideration of cultural and contextual appropriateness (Dimmock and Walker, 2000:144). Furthermore, Dimmer and Walker (2005) point out that globalization has produced phenomena such as distance education, which has produced an ethnocentric view of educational leadership issues, centred upon issues that are relevant in the US and the UK. But with the globalization of education, indicated that there may be a need to develop a cross cultural, international perspective of educational leadership and management. Another model proposed for educational leadership is the Leadership for Learning model, which is based upon a set of well defined principles that can be used to guide schools, their leaders and school districts in achieving high performance standards and sustaining learning ( The basic principles associated with this model are as follows: (a) a focus on learning, i.e., learning is personalized and occurs in multiple contexts (b) creates setting to promote learning, i.e., providing multiple opportunities for learning and reflections on its nature (c) shares leadership, i.e., invites participation in leadership (d) promotes explicit conversations about leadership and learning, i.e., strengthening the relationship between the two and (e) incorporates mutual accountability, i.e., involving all stakeholders in making judgments about practice and outcomes. The transformational approach applied in schools: Barnett et al (2001) carried out a study in several state secondary schools in Wales, in which they investigated the relationship that existed between the transactional versus the transformational styles of leadership of the principals, taking into account the school outcomes as well as the school learning culture. The findings in this study suggested that contrary to what was expected, teacher outcomes such as satisfaction, extra effort and the perception of leader effectiveness were not positive where transformational leadership style were concerned. Rather, transformational leadership behaviour on the part of the principal, in terms of his or her vision and inspiration produced a significant negative association, both with teacher outcomes as well as with student learning culture. A transformational leadership style was however found to be quite effective in bringing about changed practices in teachers in a Dutch study which investigated the impact of this leadership style in the context of innovation programs. (Geijsel et al, 1999) This study showed that there were three significant dimensions to a transformational leadership style in school leadership, i.e., vision, individual consideration and intellectual stimulation. These three aspects were analyzed in relation to how they influenced teacher concerns, teachers learning activities and teachers changed practices. The results showed that a transformational leadership style in school principals appeared to be quite effective in fostering innovative practices and bringing about changes in teacher practices. The direct effect of a transformational leadership style of principals on school staff turnover and school performance was examined in a study carried out by Griffin (2004). The data relied upon for deriving the findings in this study were (a) survey data from elementary school students and teachers and (b) student achievement test scores, derived from the student archives. This study did not demonstrate a direct positive or negative impact of transformational leadership on either student achievement scores or on the turnover of school staff. Principal transformational leadership showed a positive indirect impact on the job satisfaction of staff members and student achievement scores, which it had an indirect negative impact on staff turnover in terms of reducing the levels of staff turnover and thereby indicating that staff turnover had actually reduced as a result of the principals leadership style. Since the principals transformational style also produced a smaller gap between the achievements of minority and non minority students, this further contributed to high job satisfaction levels. A new leadership paradigm: The skills of leadership are even more important in a changing world. As Dilts (no date) points out, most of the existing literature on leadership focuses upon the characteristics of good leaders, but such characteristics are too vague and general to be of much use. Examining effective leadership styles within the business context may also be ineffective in a school environment, because the organization is geared towards profit making, while schools are geared towards imparting a strong educational foundation for students that does not merely include academic achievement. According to Dilts, effective leadership covers a variety of skills, including self skills, relational skills, strategic and systemic thinking skills and involves a mastery of various elements such as self, relationship, communication and problem space. On this basis, Dilts states that effective leadership in schools needs to address all of three different levels (a) micro leadership, i.e., issues at the levels of environment, behaviour and capability (b) macro leadership, or issues at the level of beliefs, values and role identity and (c) meta leadership or the levels of spirit and identity. Similarly, Dimmer and Walker (2005) have pointed out the need to incorporate cultural elements into the study of school leadership, especially in the context of globalization. They have put forward five propositions to map the direction of future cross cultural research into educational leadership and management. The essence of these propositions is that there is a need to develop a systematic, robust, comparative branch of educational leadership and management (Dimmer and Walker, 2005:198). The concept of culture must be clearly defined in order to avoid an over-simplified portrayal of societal differences as Western/Asian. Moreover, it could be difficult to successfully apply transformational leadership styles across different cultures, while a transactional approach that is based upon a simple system of incentives and rewards for the production of certain specific educational outcomes that are measured through tests, is much easier to apply. Bush has outlined different kinds of preparatory programs that principals are expected to take up. Daresh and Male (2000) carried out a comparative study of first year principals in Britain and the United States and point out that a significant culture shock is associated with moving into being the head of an institutional institution. Nothing could prepare the respondents.. For the change of perceptions of others or for the intensity of the job. (Daresh and Male, 2000:95). The major differences between leadership programs for principals in different countries is that some of them require a formal qualification for the position, while in others, this qualification is not mandatory and extensive teaching experience is used as the criterion for appointment. Conclusions: The research question that has been posed in this study is whether a transformational educational leadership style is really effective in educational leadership. In order to assess the efficacy of transformational leadership in education, the literature review above has also shown the need to incorporate cultural perspectives and the level of formal training principals receive. This aspect is especially relevant because not all administrators are able to inspire staff and students or fully understand their concerns. An approach to leadership that is derived purely on the basis of past experiences may also not be effective in the present day content. The transactional style of leadership may be effective in terms of applying measurable incentives in achieving the desired outcomes. Theoretically, a transformational approach should be more effective in providing a more successful educational leadership, but as shown above, in actual practice this might not necessarily be the case. The v ision and direction of the transformational approach must necessarily be participative if it is to be truly effective. If the vision for the school is purely the principals, then it is not likely to be successful in securing the commitment of the staff and students and may actually produce negative outcomes, especially when it fails to incorporate the cultural perspective. The Leadership for learning model appears to be the most relevant in the school context and it does incorporate a transformational approach in that it focuses on the context of learning; however most importantly, it also provides for a shared leadership. This indicates that the schools would need to develop a common vision and goals based upon the active participation of the principal, teachers and the students. This is the important aspect of transformational leadership which must be introduced if it is to be successful, i.e., the participative element. It could be successful in bringing about necessary changes in both students and teachers and also achieving the desired grades and educational outcomes, if the processes and procedures which are developed are based upon a common vision and common goals which the principal develops in association and with the active participation of all members of a school community, This would ensure commitment from everyone towards achieving those g oals.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight :: Essays Papers

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Part I, lines 130-202 Of the service itself I need say no more, 1 For well you will know no tittle was wanting. 2 Another noise and a new was well-nigh at hand. 3 That the lord might have leave his life to nourish; 4 For scarce were the sweet strains still in the hall, 5 And the first course come to that company fair, 6 There hurtles in at the hall-door an unknown rider, 7 One the greatest on ground in growth of his frame: 8 From broad neck to buttocks so bulky and thick, 9 And his loins and his legs so long and so great, 10 Half a giant on earth I hold him to be, 11 But believe him no less that the largest of men, 12 And that the seemliest in his stature to see, as he rides, 13 For in the back and in breast though his body was grim, 14 His waist in its width was worthily small, 15 And formed with every feature in fair accord 16 was he. 17 Sir Gawain and the Green Knight :: Essays Papers Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Part I, lines 130-202 Of the service itself I need say no more, 1 For well you will know no tittle was wanting. 2 Another noise and a new was well-nigh at hand. 3 That the lord might have leave his life to nourish; 4 For scarce were the sweet strains still in the hall, 5 And the first course come to that company fair, 6 There hurtles in at the hall-door an unknown rider, 7 One the greatest on ground in growth of his frame: 8 From broad neck to buttocks so bulky and thick, 9 And his loins and his legs so long and so great, 10 Half a giant on earth I hold him to be, 11 But believe him no less that the largest of men, 12 And that the seemliest in his stature to see, as he rides, 13 For in the back and in breast though his body was grim, 14 His waist in its width was worthily small, 15 And formed with every feature in fair accord 16 was he. 17

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Constructive Alignment Theory Education Essay

The constructive alliance theory has been used to underpin the development of course of study in medical instruction for some clip Biggs and Tang 2007. A constructivist instructor designs larning experiences which are active and synergistic and works at the interface between the course of study and the scholar, which creates a new cognition. A A constructivist scholar will make or build their ain cognition and understanding with what they already know. The constructive alliance theory has been shown to fit medical pupils with the needed cognition and accomplishments that is required to pattern medical specialty successfully. There are two wide orientations in instruction ; the content cantered or teacher-centered constructs and pupil or learner-centered construct. A In the learner-centered construct the cognition is constructed by the scholar and the instructors a facilitator of larning than a mere presenter of cognition. The pupil centeredness includes the thought that the scholar h as a pick what to analyze, when to analyze and how to analyze. Here the scholar is placed at the centre of the full acquisition procedure there is increased duty and answerability on the portion of the scholar. An emerging tendency in all the medical schools in Australia is to hold an integrated medical course of study where there is an increased accent on autonomous or scholar centered acquisition, and active engagement of the acquisition procedure. JCU integrated medical course of study follows the guidelines for effectual university learning which says â€Å" effectual university instructors provide pupils with chances to be involved in the structuring of their ain acquisition experiences, and promote them to take control of their ain acquisition † and â€Å" effectual university instructors select from a scope of learning attacks and media those which will assist pupils run into topics and their ain purposes efficaciously † . Today ‘s medical pupils represent a wide spectrum in footings of age, experience, civilization, ethnicity and degree of readiness every bit good as acquisition manners and there is a immense challenge for teachers to run into the educational demands of all pupils. When direction is adopted to scholars larning manners at that place will be increased student motive and public presentation. Because there are pupils with different educational backgrounds and different acquisition manners, it is the duty of the teacher to turn to this diverseness of larning manners among pupils and develop appropriate learning learning activities. The challenge of supplying quality larning experience for the pupils has prompted many pedagogues to look towards larning engineerings. Increased involvement in flexible acquisition chances in third instruction has risen in recent old ages in response to increased pupil diverseness and the outgrowth of new engineerings. Technologies allow pedagogues to personalise and humanise acquisition by including rich media constituents in classs that endeavor to prosecute pupils in active, meaningful acquisition ( Lee, Tan & A ; Goh 2004 ) . Australia has a strong tradition of distance instruction and a displacement towards online larning in Universities in the recent old ages has been seen as a natural extension of the more traditional signifier of distance instruction ( Bell et al, 2002 ) . In today ‘s acquisition environments, the effectual usage of instructional engineerings provide the scholar with flexible, immediate and on demand entree to class content. Flexible acquisition has em erged late to depict the altering stage of distance instruction, brought about by the turning acceptance of different larning engineerings to back up progressively diverse pupil population.Flexible acquisitionFlexible acquisition is a scope of larning attacks in footings of clip, gait, topographic point, content and manner, which are applied in changing grades. Flexible acquisition incorporates computing machine engineering into larning helping pupils in developing the cognitive processes needed for the usage of information engineering efficaciously. A scaffold of larning activities is created in flexible acquisition. The most of import purpose of flexible acquisition is to supply greater control to the scholar in the acquisition procedure and to supply chances and options through a assortment of learning -learning manners. The scholar will hold greater pick, liberty and control in flexible acquisition ( Geroge and Luke 1995 ) . This type of larning provides the scholar with picks a bout where, when and how learning takes topographic point ( Shurville et al. , 2008 ) . Pedagogical attack in flexible acquisition is sound and here the instructor becomes the facilitator in the acquisition procedure and the scholar gets greater control in the acquisition procedure. This teaching method is a going from the traditional teacher-centered methods of instruction, prefering the facilitation of the collaborative building of cognition and accomplishments. It increases the efficiencies in the bringing of instruction and caters to different groups of scholar. Present twenty-four hours net coevals scholar is multitasking nature and they demand for greater flexibleness related in the manner of survey, topographic point and gait. Flexible larning caters for these diverse groups of pupil organic structure ( Casey and Wilson, 2005 ) . The exponential growing of computing machine power and rapid enlargement of the broadband velocities in recent old ages has changed the outlook of these net coevals pupils and the acquisition chances offered to these scholars. In order to run into this turning demand, Universities are turning to flexible acquisition and e-learning as a convenient manner to supply flexible entree to acquisition ( Buleen and Janes 2007 ) . James cook Universities committedness to the development of flexible acquisition is embedded in the instruction learning appraisal policy, that is dedicated in supplying pupils from different backgrounds with the top quality larning environment and heighten pupil ‘s learning experience. One of the Core rules of the JCU learning larning assessment policy addresses this diverseness of pupils and their different acquisition manners. â€Å" Course design will endeavour to react to the rich diverseness of pupil backgrounds and tracts, including Aboriginal, Torres S trait Islander, international, inter cultural, low socioeconomic backgrounds, rural or remote, first household member go toing a university, return to analyze and people with handiness issues † . â€Å" In all topics a assortment of resources, learning methods and attacks to larn will be considered and adopted, in acknowledgment of the diverseness of the pupil organic structure † .A Overall objective here is to give pupils many picks in larning and control over the timing, construction and sequencing of their acquisition. One of the cardinal trademarks of flexibleness in acquisition is the acknowledgment of the differences ; differences in what the pupils want to larn and when he/she wants to larn. It besides allows for functioning pupils with particular demands and suiting the progressively varied cultural dimension in larning. Educators recognize that the scholars have single demands and require varying grades of flexibleness to run into their demands. Learner centered direction is the nucleus rule underlying this flexible acquisition. Here the accent is on the pick of the scholar. Facilitation of acquisition is another nucleus rule of flexible acquisition where the teacher takes more of a facilitator function in the procedure of larning than a commanding or information transporter function. Facilitators provide chances for showing content in a new and advanced function utilizing a combination of media and bringing manners. Here the content is drawn from a assortment of beginnings including picture, web sites, multimedia, artworks, sounds, lifes etc. Today ‘s medical pedagogues are confronting challenges than their predecessors in learning tomorrows physicians. Changing in wellness attention bringing and progresss in medical instruction and clinical medical specialty have increased demands on the medical module, ensuing in reduced clip for learning. Flexible acquisition can be used in undergraduate medical instruction to better the efficiency and effectivity of educational intercessions in the face of scientific and pedagogical challenges. Use of flexible acquisition is extremely variable in medical schools and it is more common in basic scientific discipline classs than in clinical scientific disciplines. Flexible acquisition has a characteristic that presupposes a great accent on self-teaching in undergraduate medical instruction. Students are encouraged to analyze and research independently. Collaborative acquisition and information exchange is intensified as to consolidate larning through group activities. The practical group activities can be performed in synchronal or asynchronous meeting in pupil place groups that permits collaborative and deep acquisition.Capable DesignYear 2 Medical plan has 190 pupils of which more than 50 % of the pupils are between 21 to 25 old ages and the group besides has approximately 35 % of pupils who are above 30 old ages. Students fall ining six twelvemonth undergraduate medical plan at JCU are school departers, alumnuss ( with a grade non related to the medical class ) or graduates with grades in biological and wellness scientific disciplines. But there are pupils in this group who are non from the biological background and had the trouble in settling into the Medical course of study in their early months in the Medical School. The biggest challenge faced by the School of Medicine at JCU is to suit the scholars who have come from different backgrounds. Bing a rural medical school this challenge is heightened at JCU due to miss of resources and isolation. Because t he pupil group has scholars from different backgrounds, the course of study or the single faculty must be more originative and flexible to run into the demands of single scholars. Larger category ( 190 pupils ) means more about talk centered – acquisition and minimum pupil battle and this will make a barrier to entree acquisition. The category size plants against the rational development, larning and success in a medical school. Year 2 medical plan has two pathophysiology classs – Integrated system pathophysiology 1 and 2. Different organic structure system faculties are taught with accent on Anatomy, Physiology and Pathophysiology in these classs which is spread across two survey periods ( SP1 and 2 ) . Hematology and Renal Medicine is the faculty under Integrated System Pathophysiology 1 during survey period 1, which runs for 13 hebdomads. This faculty has two subdivisions – haematology and Renal Medicine. During the last 5 hebdomads of HRM faculty pupils learn about Renal Physiology and Pathophysiology. Physiology and Pathophysiology subjects in this faculty are complex and in the old feedback pupils have raised few concerns about the talk subjects in the faculty and about deficiency of clip and chances available for the survey of complex physiology subjects in this faculty. Feedback suggested that face to face and synthesising Sessionss in the faculty were unequal to gestate the dynamic procedures and complex physiology mechanisms in the nephritic physiology subject. Besides when complex subjects were presented in schoolroom talks, pupils either retained a simplistic position of the subject or were confused when introduced to a new subject based on an apprehension of consecutive procedures. Hence, I have planned to present flexible acquisition faculty, which supports face-to-face bringing, to specifically turn to the jobs identified by the pupils in the Renal Medicine Course. Face-to-face acquisition for this faculty is in the signifier of one hr talk at the beginning of the hebdomad and another hr of synthesising session on Fridays. There is a three hr guided larning session in the signifier of active acquisition that supports these face-to-face bringings during the hebdomad. The contents of the nephritic medical specialty faculties are carefully chosen to develop flexible acquisition activities spread across a 4 hebdomad period. Table 1: Different sections chosen to present in the flexible acquisition faculty for this class Teaching Sections Week Subjects 1 9 Histology of kidneys and the urinary system 2 9 Physiology of nephritic system 3 10 Role of kidneys in H2O balance 4 11 Role of kidneys in blood force per unit area ordinance 5 12 Control of urinary vesica and urination 6 13 Diuretic drugs and their mechanisms of action Every section has different learning acquisition activities which are developed utilizing Blackboard, the unfastened beginning class direction system. Different learning acquisition activities for these flexible acquisition faculties are Podcasting and Camtasia recordings ; face-to-face talk will be recorded utilizing Camtasia/Doceri and will be uploaded online. Lecture podcasting is besides uploaded in MP3 format A 20 proceedingss i-lecture which will cover the subjects ( as per the sections mentioned above ) is recorded and uploaded Home group wiki treatment board for mini instance treatment related to the hebdomadal subject. Open treatment board for treatment about the inquiries asked in the workbook in the GLS Sessionss, utilizing blackboard treatment tools YouTube picture links – Anatomy, Physiology and Pathophysiology pictures E-book chapters, text edition pages, and reappraisal articles related to the subjects are uploaded to the learning resources booklet Home groups [ 20 pupils in a group ] have the chance for 30 proceedingss blackboard collaborate confabs session with the lector Linkss to the specific subject pages of Medical Revision Community and Pod trefoils Online quizzes at the terminal of the hebdomad – which will hold MCQ ‘s and cardinal characteristic paper inquiries. Online brooding diaries will be used for feedback on a hebdomadal footing for this faculty. Contexts and Settings for Flexible Learning: Our scholars: Undergraduate, grownup, domestic and international pupils The sort of acquisition we are seeking to accomplish: Knowledge, accomplishments and attitudes Delivery of the content: On-line talks and instance treatments. The other acquisition activities that can be organized to run into the larning results: Question-answer Sessionss, pictures, online quizzes Available Resources: press releases, worksheets, workbooks, ocular, power points, pictures Table 2: Summary of the Comprehensive Teaching Schemes used for Flexible Learning in this faculty Learning Results Teaching Scheme Learner Activity Cognition Transmit/Inform Reading Podcast Camtasia I-lecture Videos Associating to theory Autonomous acquisition Cognition Engage Video Mini Case Discussion Discussion Board Quiz Knowledge reading Supplying multiple positions Skills Practice Case Discussion Discussion board Blackboard Collaborate Clarifying cognition Interpretation accomplishments Skills Application Collaborate treatment Case Discussion Cardinal Feature Paper inquiries ( instance based ) Synthesizing cognition Deep acquisition Apply basic scientific disciplines to clinical medical specialty Researching acquisition As with face to face instruction, these online, blended categories is constructively aligned to accomplish upper limit larning benefits and results. All facets of the flexible bringing, from purposes, larning results, talks and other activities are all and straight related to each other, and back up a progressive system of larning throughout the 5 hebdomads continuance of the class.JustificationYear 2 haematology and nephritic medical specialty class are presently utilizing face-to-face instruction which treats all pupils as indistinguishable scholars. This ignores the fact that pupils have different degrees of acquisition manners, motive, attending span and ability to larn [ ref 5 ] . Traditional big talk presentations [ first twenty-four hours debut session and synthesising session in this faculty ] have jobs prosecuting the pupils and in run intoing their single acquisition manners. With flexible teaching-learning activities in this faculty, the acquisition and instruction can hap pen at times that are more convenient and productive for pupils. Students can work at their ain gait within a given model. Online larning provides options to entree and portion information more readily and this besides provides greater deepness of resources and information. Open treatment and mini instance treatment Sessionss in this faculty offer opportunities to interact and larn in ways that the traditional instruction in the faculty ca n't offer. Therefore, there is a displacement of focal point in the faculty from a teacher-centered theoretical account to learner centered theoretical account offering stronger learning motive and interactivity. The faculty is designed to value the diverseness of experience and pattern taking into the consideration of the Internationalization of University course of study and this flexible instruction will ever back up both local and international pupils ‘ who have come from different educational backgrounds and have diverse learning manner s. Learning direction system, societal package application like Wiki, treatment forum and web based talk engineerings are the different acquisition engineerings used in this flexible acquisition faculty that will supply communicating and coaction chances. The university instruction and acquisition policy emphasizes that the instructor should seek to heighten pupil battle in acquisition by linking assorted constituents in a topic. The nucleus acquisition rule besides underlines the demand of invention in learning and acquisition and the usage of larning engineerings to reenforce and heighten the pupil larning experience. The different acquisition engineerings will give the pupils flexibleness to take when and where to entree talks and other learning resources. Students with weaker acquisition accomplishments will acquire more clip and options for interaction and to speed up their acquisition independently. Medical instruction is a dynamic entity that is germinating rapidly and taking adv antage of the flexible, web based learning methods allow more face-to-face instruction clip to be used for learning other complex subjects during this basic scientific discipline faculty. The talk podcasting, Camtasia/Doceri and i-lecture formats offer pupils the increased flexibleness of being able to entree the acquisition stuffs every bit frequently as required, 24 hour. a twenty-four hours, 7 yearss a hebdomad. This on-line talk will be really effectual for this faculty as there are a big figure of pupils in category ( more than 180 pupils ) . These on-line talks engage the pupils more efficaciously than the face-to-face talks and pupils can mention to this talk several times over the class of the faculty. During the on-line treatment forums ( mini instance treatments and unfastened treatments in this faculty ) , pupils are given basic information about the new constructs and are encouraged to work together on clinical jobs and inquiries which helps them to understand cardinal physiology and pathophysiological constructs for themselves. Students in the traditional face-to-face acquisition do non possess the cardinal critical analytical accomplishments hence they a re happening it hard to understand the key basic physiological constructs. Flexible acquisition enables pupils to widen their acquisition experience beyond the boundary lines of a schoolroom and a assortment of web resources and web links to medical podcast, podmedics and medical alteration community pages in this faculty to better pupil ‘s acquisition capablenesss and besides their critical thought accomplishments. Nephritic Medicine faculty in twelvemonth 2 includes complex subjects in Physiology ( nephritic ordinance of electrolyte balance, H2O balance, blood force per unit area ordinance etc. ) . Some of the facets of physiology that make it hard include the big volume of information typically covered and its integrative nature. Most common ailments from pupils in their feedback is that there is excessively much to analyze and retrieve and excessively many didactic Sessionss on basic physiology. The planned flexible acquisition Sessionss address these facets and present active acquisition tools to form construction and represent information and cognition in a more meaningful format. During the flexible acquisition, pupils are able to take a content bringing method that matched their learning manner to understand the complex subjects in physiology. Students can work through the different sections in the faculty at their ain velocity and develop a more meaningful apprehension of the subjects. Therefore the overall aim of this flexible acquisition faculty is to give the scholar more pick and control over the timing, sequence and the construction of larning activities, and to cut down the barrier to entree acquisition. This on-line faculty is likely to heighten pupils ‘ motive in larning Renal Medicine physiology. The interactivities and communicating tools will actuate the pupils and assist them increase perceptual experience and keeping of this subject. Present twenty-four hours net-generation medical pupils want larning ‘options ‘ , ‘choices ‘ and ‘personalization ‘ . By supplying scholars with the freedom of pick, this flexible acquisition can put the phase for pupil success in this class.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Leadership Concepts on Motivating People Essay

Leadership power depends on an individual’s perception of the things that motivate people to perform to the best of their best abilities. A leader like me is one who has innate self -motivation and who has honed an effective leadership style by knowing, applying and developing which skill will best achieve and energize others. Good leadership is critical to any successful organization or set-up. There are a lot of leadership tools, styles and motivation factors that I can employ to influence others. I have the ability to induce motivation because my leadership style can influence the level of motivation that my follower manifests. Motivation is determined by the various ambitions and style that I employ.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A leader like me utilizes various styles as well as techniques and levels of motivation to get things moving and arrive at a specific goal. Motivation is a symbol of what it takes to be a good leader. A decrease in proper motivation on the part of the leader means idleness on the part of the follower. In an organization or office set-up, employees are inclined to stagnate when motivation is lessen. It is a mistake for a lot of leaders who motivate their followers using the old-fashioned way of imposing fear. This is not recommended because it is likely that a follower under fear will only produce short-term results and may perform even less efficiently in the long run.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As a true and good leader, I instead introduce challenges for followers to deal with. Bringing a new challenge oftentimes induces excitement and creativity among subordinates. It always pays to challenge the followers with assignments that are quite out of their scope of work to allow them to prove their capabilities and even excel. This escalates motivation among the people. In the event a follower is faced with an obstacle and as a motivating leader, I   give guidance in determining a solution but not to the extent of immediately offering the actual answer to a problem. It is a matter of teaching my followers to know for themselves what correct solution to take. This promotes their self-esteem and eventually gives them the motivation they need.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I also employ different tools and styles to motivate my followers. However, there is a need to understand first that a person’s motivation is a mixture of his or her feeling of desire and vigor aimed at meeting a specific goal. Getting someone motivated simply means making the follower accomplish willingly the task assigned to him or her. The factors for people to be motivated include their beliefs, values, interests, fear, and other laudable causes. I need to always keep an open mind or perspective about human nature because there is no such thing as simple formula for motivation. This is to prevent myself from being faced with a complicated arrangement of factors in directing or motivating a person to reach his or her maximum productive potential. I, therefore, needs to learn, apply, and develop these factors. However, there will be a variation in their respective reaction if similar motivation tools or styles are directed towards two people with different personalities. It is then important for me   to know that people react to different needs. This ushers the correct action where I can determine the accurate decision to be taken in a particular situation. Leadership Book   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The book â€Å"Leadership: Theory, Application, and Skill Development† (Third Edition) written by Robert N. Lussier and Christopher F. Achua (2006), assesses the correct and effective instruments and styles that great leaders use to determine the future’s leadership strategies. The book unites classic leadership theories and styles with flexible and adaptable insights that will help leaders and even would-be leaders to succeed in tomorrow’s workforce.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The book is the most applicable leadership material because the authors make the fundamental ideas immediately related to modern period by using a unique three-pronged concept that includes theory, application, and skill development. According to Lussier and Achua (2006), the book covers all of the traditional theories and wide array of leadership topics in a brief but interesting presentation that stresses on the key factors. Several clear applications were identified by the book, which encourage the readers to use their thinking skills. The authors also utilized many skill-building practical exercises to give urgent relevance to the concepts and to nurture leadership skills that are applicable to a leader’s professional and personal life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Included in this book’s edition are the various opening case applications, suggested articles on Infotrac college edition, information from different companies involved in ethical dilemmas, a focus on ethics coverage, revised cutting-edge topics and expanded organizational leadership topics. The book features several step-by-step leadership functions which are integrated into the context of each chapter or in the skill-building exercises. It also has application exercises which require the reader to determine the illustrated idea by using brief samples. The end-of-chapter cases give insights on how companies have applied the leadership concepts to meet their challenges. The self-assessment exercises enable the reader to assess his or her own leadership skills. Lastly, the skill-building exercises help the reader develop leadership skills they can immediately use. Individuals as Leaders   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the first chapter of the book, Lussier and Achua (2006) presented the different factors and instances when an individual assumes being a leader. According to Lussier and Achua (2006), leaders and followers adopt various roles – there are times when the two switch functions and there are also situations where they exemplify flexibility and perform interrelating activities. In order for leaders to motivate their people, the authors presented the trait and behavioral leadership theories that are universal and generally seek only the best leadership style that can be applied in any situation. They differ in the sense that the trait theory dwells on the personal features of efficient leaders while the behavioral theory tries to state and explain the actual things that the leaders perform.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In understanding the important and critical role that a leader performs, the authors first identified the characteristics and what it takes to be a leader. Lussier and Achua (2006) cited the idea of legendary football coach Vince Lombardi when he said that leaders are not born but made. The authors further quoted Lombardi as saying that all of us can be or destined to be leaders and it is just a matter of developing the leadership skills already present within ourselves.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Lussier and Achua (2006) concluded this chapter by stating the interrelationships between the first two leadership theories with contingency theory. They further claimed that the contingency theory determined the most appropriate leadership style because it employs a combination of trait and behavioral leadership theories which cover the three essential features of leadership, namely the leader, his or her followers, and a given situation (Lussier & Achua,   2006). Leadership Traits and Ethics   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   On the second chapter of the book, Lussier and Achua (2006) stated that the styles used by great leaders are based on personality traits and an ethical approach is followed. The authors said that although personality traits of leaders are generally classified, each leader still has their respective trait which differentiates him or her from others. This specific trait facilitates how the followers are motivated by a good leader to perform at their best. According to Lussier and Achua (2006), the motivating power of a leader is measured on the traits, performances and ethical standards shown by his or her followers. The authors added that the followers’ attitudes, moral development and how they ethically approach a particular dilemma determine the kind of tool and style that leaders utilize. These same characteristics are effective both for the leaders and followers in order to influence each other. These features were manifested in specific cases of Microsoft magnate Bill Gates who is a great example of a true visionary leader. The ethical and social responsibility of the Timberland Company was also used by the authors as an example of creating a win-win situation. This is because the company was able to decide favorably on a certain dilemma and the decision was confidently relayed to their stakeholders which made it ethical (Lussier & Achua,   2006, pp. 63-64). Leadership Behavior and Motivation   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   On this last part of the book, Lussier and Achua (2006) summarized what the whole book is all about. This is where the authors presented the importance of the behavior, skills and style of leaders in connection with their vital purpose of motivating their people and eventually achieving the common goal of the group. Stated on this chapter were the similarities and difference of the various contents and processes of motivation theories. The authors said that content motivation theories centers on determining and apprehending the needs of the followers. Process motivation, on the other hand, escalates in order to understand how followers prefer behavior to meet what they want. Unlike the two, reinforcement theory is not as concerned about employee needs. This is because it centers on having the followers perform what leaders want them to do through the results given by leaders for their behavior. This is where the use of reward as a means of motivating followers will prove to be of importance. This is not to say that a follower needs to be promised something just to do what has been told. The use of reward system is not to corrupt one’s personality and attitude towards work but rather to serve as a compliment and appreciation for a job well done.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   According to Lussier and Achua (2006), leadership pointed out the significant role of causing the followers to achieve their best personal results as well as to meet the objectives of the organization. The authors emphasized the need for an increased degree of job performance. This is achievable when leaders build a healthy, productive, and motivational working environment that motivates the people to do their best and get their ultimate objectives. The authors added that influencing the people result to a typical but much needed professional competition within the group. This healthy rivalry yields mostly positive effects which will benefit the whole group and its outside customers. The power of the leader to motivate his or her followers through the use of various skills and styles is, therefore, vital for leadership to succeed (Lussier & Achua, 2006, p. 74). Best Leadership Motivation   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The book identifies the terms influence and change as the keywords which leaders may use in order to adhere to the boundaries of leadership theories, application, and skill development. There could never be a specific leadership tool or style because it oftentimes depends on the circumstances and the people forming the group. However, for the purpose of having an adaptable leadership concept that can be employed, the book by Lussier and Achua (2006) apparently stated that great and effective leaders exemplify the power to influence his or her followers and create change within the group.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   According to Lussier and Achua (2006), influence is the essence of leadership as it manifests all the leadership tools and styles and other concepts that great and effective leaders employ. The authors also stated that influencing is the change procedure wherein a leader expresses thoughts, gaining understanding and acceptance of these ideas and causing his or her people to support and place into action the ideas. They also explain that effective leaders have the strong power influence the followers who themselves also become effective in influencing others. This process of change called â€Å"influencing† also revolves around the relationship between leaders and followers. There can also be circumstances where the leaders and followers often change roles through the said process of influencing. Moreover, since effective leaders know when to lead and when to follow, influencing and laying down specific goals determine the possibility of change. Lussier and Achua (2006), therefore, stressed that continued change is essential in organizations in order to adapt to the rapidly changing global environment and meet the demands of the role of being a leader (Lussier & Achua, 2006, p. 8). Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Leadership has something to do with whom the people are following and for what purpose. As a leader, I influence my followers’ behaviors thus I should know how to motivate these people and cause an intention of effectively bringing out the best in them. Leadership has its theories, application and ways of development while I have powers that make others want to follow my direction. However, it is the process of influencing the behavior of other people toward achieving a predetermined goal that determines effectiveness on the part of the leaders.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The success of my group rests on my kind of leadership and whether I possess the needed leadership qualities. Without my leadership, my group is less effective in its joint effect on their mission. In effect, without my supportive members, I will be frustrated. Compatibility between me and my followers is significant. Some leaders are more effective with particular types of follower while other followers function better with a specific style of leadership. The focus has usually been given on leaders to bring about change, but this responsibility is actually shared. This is because it is not difficult to frustrate the efforts of leadership if persons are unwilling to be led in a particular direction.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Leadership also calls for relationships especially if I am compatible with my followers. If we are sort of meant for each other, substantial success is present. I have the power through motivation and it is stimulated through leadership styles. Whether the organizations or leader prefers the achievement oriented leadership style or the others, they can still obtain best results if a little form of collaboration, caring, being receptive to constructive feedback, and adopting understanding skills, are added. I can also motivate based on personality traits, by setting a good example. If I and my organization can be able to motivate our followers, the common goal of productivity and best performance can be met.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In knowing the best leadership tool or style, I must be able to adapt my authority to various situations as well as to the different personalities of people I guide. This in effect implies that I should not be limited to only one style given a particular instance and type of people. The various techniques, as presented in the book by Lussier and Achua (2006), can be used to influence people and achieve the same purpose of the group. Aside from the various leadership tools, styles, theories, applications and ways of development, it is foremost,   my   ability and power to influence my followers and to cause changes in the group, that will stand. Reference Lussier, R. N. & Achua, C. F. (2006). Leadership: Theory, Application, and Skill Development. OH: South-Western Publishing Co.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Scarlet Letter - Analysis of Arthur Dimmesdale essays

The Scarlet Letter - Analysis of Arthur Dimmesdale essays Character Analysis of Arthur Dimmesdale The Scarlet Letter is a story of characters that have to live and deal with the effects of sin in different ways. Of these characters, the Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale is the character portrayed as the most weak and unnoble. Despite this portrayal Dimmesdale was a stronger character than given credit for. His unbelievable amount of control in his way of handling his burdens displays his great sense of strength and We first see Dimmesdale portrayed as a nervous and sensitive individual. Despite his outer appearance, inside Dimmesdale is a very stable, strong person. Chapter Three states that he showed, à ¿nervous sensibility and a vast power of self restraint.à ¿ While this seems to give Dimmesdale great strength, it is also his largest flaw. His body refuses to do what his heart says is right. Dimmesdale instructs Hester to reveal the truth, but when she refuses he doesnà ¿t have the willpower to confess himself. Therefore, his sin becomes even larger than hers, because while hers is an exposed sin. He continues to lie to himself and his followers by keeping his secret hidden, so his is a concealed sin. Here Hawthorne shows us just how strong Dimmesdale actually is, by allowing him to hide his sin and bear the weight of it, he creates an extremely interesting and tremendously strong The scaffold is the place that Dimmesdale shows the amount of pain and self-loathing he is truly capable of concealing. He realizes that he is as much at fault for Hesterà ¿s torment as any common villager, if not even more so. Seven years prior, Hester stood in this place and took the punishment for both of them while he quietly stood aside and led people to believe that he also condemned her. During those long seven years he made no move to lessen her load or his own. Now Dimmesdale has had all that he can bear and lets out a yell that draws the atten ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Kerry Election essays

Health Care and the Bush/Kerry Election essays In a society where we are constantly faced with contagious diseases, incurable medical conditions, and rising health care costs many of the American residents still go on to live their everyday lives without health insurance. With this year being an election year this issue is a hot topic in the campaigns and debates between President Bush and John Kerry. President Bush's Vision is that the health care in the United States today is affordable for the people. But if this is true why are there so many children going without the proper medical attention that they need when they get sick. On the other Hand, John Kerry hardly speaks about health care in his campaign's, and when he does, it directed more towards the middle class, not the people who need it which is the poor lower class. With the economy being bad and many people losing their jobs they are faced with the fact that they will also not have any health insurance. The candidates make promises of what they will do if they are elected in order aid in the battle of heath care but may of their promises are just empty promises. The flu season is upon u s right now and our president George W. Bush says that he did not put a hole on the flu vaccines that the country needs, but the British blocked the flu vaccine. Right now with the shortage of the vaccine the only people that are allowed to get the vaccine are the people that are "high risk." But who's to determine who is at risk and who is not at risk of getting the virus. For the people who are not illegible to receive the vaccine, they will have to take the risk of getting the virus; then if they get the flu and don't have any health insurance, this could lead to them contracting other illness that could be very harmful to their health. The reason tha t Bush claimed we did not get the vaccine is that they were contaminated. "We relied upon a company out of England to provide about half of the flu vaccines for the US, and...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Southern California Institute of Architecture Admission

Southern California Institute of Architecture Admission Southern California Institute of Architecture Admissions Overview: In general, students with good grades and test scores are more likely to be accepted at SCI-Arc. Since the school is focused on architecture, students will need to submit a portfolio of work as part of the application. Additional required materials include a resume, personal statement, high school transcripts, letters of recommendation, and SAT or ACT scores. For more information, or if you have any questions about the admissions process, be sure to visit SCI-Arcs website, or get in touch with the schools admissions office. Admissions Data (2016): SCI-Arc Acceptance Rate: - %SCI-Arc has open admissionsTest Scores 25th / 75th PercentileSAT Critical Reading: - / -SAT Math: - / -SAT Writing: - / -What these SAT numbers meanACT Composite: - / -ACT English: - / -ACT Math: - / -ACT Writing: - / -What these ACT numbers mean Southern California Institute of Architecture Description: The Southern California Institute of Architecture is an independent school of architecture in Los Angeles, California. The campus is located in the rehabilitated historic site of the Santa Fe Freight Depot, at the heart of the urban art district in downtown Los Angeles. The college takes an experimental approach to architecture education, emphasizing practical experience and encouraging undergraduate and graduate students to work together in a non-hierarchical environment. SCI-Arc offers one undergraduate program, a bachelor’s degree in architecture, as well as two- and three-year master of architecture programs and two postgraduate master of design research programs in emerging systems and technologies and city design, planning and policy. Students benefit from the flexible, nontraditional program both inside and outside of class, with 24/7 access to architecture studio spaces, a unique cultural environment and various student-led clubs, activities and social events. Enrollment (2016): Total Enrollment: 519Â  (262 undergraduates)Gender Breakdown: 62% Male / 38% Female95% Full-time Costs (2016Â  - 17): Tuition and Fees: $42,900Books: $6,848Â  (why so much?)Room and Board: $7,260Other Expenses: $9,889Total Cost: $66,897 SCI-Arc Financial Aid (2015Â  - 16): Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 28%Percentage of New Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 28%Loans: 13%Average Amount of AidGrants: $18,668Loans: $5,500 Academic Programs: Most Popular Majors:Â  Architecture. Graduation and Retention Rates: First Year Student Retention (full-time students): 81%4-Year Graduation Rate: 67%6-Year Graduation Rate: 83% Data Source: National Center for Educational Statistics If You Like SCI-Arc, You May Also Like These Schools: Pratt Institute: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphCarnegie Mellon University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphRhode Island School of Design: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphCalifornia Institute of Technology: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphHarvard University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphRice University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphNew York University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphArizona State University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUniversity of Oregon: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphCornell University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUC - Berkeley: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphSyracuse University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT Graph

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Marketing Concepts and Planning of Cathay pacific Essay

Marketing Concepts and Planning of Cathay pacific - Essay Example The company believes that their business is marketing knowledge to the travellers. Accordingly, the company is dedicated to Hong Kong where it was established as it continues to make substantial investments to create Hong Kong’s aviation industry and improve the position for Hong Kong as a regional transportation hub. Furthermore, additional to fleet of aircraft, the company also invests in food preparation, aircraft repairs and ground management companies. To Cathay Pacific, a great airlift is not just concerned with the offering of a charming check-in, delicious food and relaxed seats; it is about knowing what a customer desires before they need to request. This is Cathay Pacific company considers that the factual long-term distinction between themselves and their rivals is the exclusive service elegance offered by their staff. Research has shown that their service has an even superior influence on travellers' opinions than the product they provide (Danny 2006, p. 78). To Ca thay Pacific, this shows that training and advancing in their workforce has just as noteworthy profit as their venture in extraordinary technology. For this reason, they have been concentrating or aiming at evolving a culture of service quality. They call this new culture 'Service Honest from the Heart.' Segmentation, Targeting And Positioning Decisions of Cathay Pacific Cathay Pacific is the sphere`s third most cost-effective air company. It is registered and grounded in Hong Kong and at present hires over twenty thousand employees. Segmentation, targeting and positioning are the vital methods of marketing plan. Quantity market is separated into minor sections in which clients share the same set of needs and desires (Graydon 2003, p. 87). Sellers recognize sections or fragments and choose the most practicable and cost-effective sections to target. Cathay Pacific targets trade travellers by chosen account database and mice advertisings. Giving emphasis to the dedication to Hong Kong is a distinction positioning approach of Cathay Pacific (Moyo 2005, p. 59). In addition, Cathay Pacific situates itself as an air company giving superiority services from deep down their hearts. Therefore, its present brand building war for reinforcing this position is â€Å"Individuals and services.† Cathay Pacific manages the complaints of its clients through various channels including comment card, Website, and frontline employee because the number of objections is a sign, which can reveal client approval or contentment indirectly. Accordingly, the company recurrently performs survey concerning the contentment of clients proactively (Greenley 2005, p. 123). The outcome of the contentment shows that client is fulfilled with Cathay Pacific`s services. Content clients lead to client reliability and, in turn, improve brand justice. Nevertheless, Cathay Pacific still copes with two tiered reliability program to uphold and enhance customer reliability. According to Robeson (200 9, p.89), segmentation, targeting and positioning are interrelated steps for planning marketing stratagem. Segmentation has been identified to encompass apportioning the market into numerous smaller sections with comparatively consistent client needs and desires. Targeting includes a company`s choice of deciding on one or more target sections to attend. On the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Baw2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words

Baw2 - Essay Example D. & Donghyun, P. (eds). London, UK: World Scientific Publishing. 25 Sanchez, V. (May, 2006). â€Å"A Comparison of EU-NAFTA Integration Regimes: From a Trade Bloc to an Institutional Development Model† [PDF]. Available at (Accessed: April 11, 2010). 25 Vega-Canovas, G. (1999) â€Å"NAFTA and the EU: Towards Convergence?† in Regional integration and democracy: expanding on the European experience by Anderson, J. J. (ed). Oxford, England: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 25 Young, S. (1998). â€Å"Globalism and regionalism: complements or competitors?† in International economic integration: critical perspectives on the World economy by Jovanović, M. N. (ed). London, UK: Routledge. 25 Soon after the wave of liberalisation pulled down the iron walls that various economies had built around themselves, the idea of conjuring trade blocs leapt up. Liberalisation had wiped out all notions which went against international trade and had highlighted upon the advantages that the participating nations could draw from it. It discouraged the past policies of implementing barriers to trade through unnecessary imposition of quotas and tariffs. Hence, a natural consequence of the measure had been the availability of a wider basket of consumption goods and eventually, a rise in the average standard of living (Jenkins, 2000). But one point that had been almost ignored at the time was that, opening up of the economies also made them susceptible to various external disruptions, so that the contagion effect which had been negligible so far, now became a significant problem. As the adjoining graph, capturing fluctuations in the economic growth rate of the world, would reveal, the dist urbances had been wider post 1990s than they had been in the period prior to that. The peaks and trenches in the growth rate are clearly evident, signifying that the economies

Hyperactive Sexual Desire Disorder Research Paper

Hyperactive Sexual Desire Disorder - Research Paper Example In addition, their symptoms and treatment can also be deduced. This project, however, only focuses on hyperactive sexual desire, giving its causes, symptoms, and treatment. Hyperactive sexual desire, also known as ‘sex addiction’, is a regular and strong sexual illusions, sexual desires, and sexual actions. One can be said to have the disorder if they engage in compulsive sexual behaviors more than others. Some of the signs of sex addiction include an uncontrollable masturbation, cybersex, engaging with prostitutes, cheating on their partners, pornography and uncontrollable use of internet sex sites to view adult-rated content. Such a person claims that it is impossible to withhold the urge when it comes. Therefore, they end up engaging in dangerous sex behaviors, risking their lives and that of their partners (Schwartz, 2008). For one to be considered to have such a disorder during a diagnosis, they must have gone through the same for over six months. In addition, the act should be distressing them, causing anguish and unhappiness, and apparently causing an interference in their day to day activities. Furthermore, the conditions must not come due to drug use or as a result of mental disorientations. According to the National Council on Sexual Addiction Compulsivity research, about six to eight percent of people in America have a sex addiction. In addition, a study by Stanford University revealed an estimate of about 4.7 million individuals taking at least eleven hours weekly on the pornographic site on the internet. Another evidence of the sex hype is the fast growth of the twelve-step program on the internet such as Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous, Sex Addicts Anonymous and Sexaholics Anonymous (Grossman, 2014). Research indicates that testosterone hormone is responsible for sexual urges in both males and females. In that regard, each person feels a sexual urge at a point in

The Ethical Aspects of the Nurses Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

The Ethical Aspects of the Nurses - Case Study Example Most of the time, I enjoyed my work as a nurse, loved my job, and did not encounter any difficulties. One day, I noticed an ethical dilemma brewing. A patient had been admitted on my floor that was dying of full-blown AIDS. He was housed in one of the two isolation rooms on the floor. I noticed that none of the nurses were going in the room on a regular basis to perform the normal nursing duties they should have been doing as they were doing with the other patients on the floor. That alone would have posed enough of an ethical dilemma, but what I noticed next placed the situation in a territory nowhere near where it should have been. The other nurses were sending Certified Nursing Aids and untrained student nurses into the room with the AIDS patient. This was clearly because they did not want to risk catching the disease themselves. I can say this with confidence because they were having these CNAs and student nurses do things to the patient that they simply were not qualified to do. Examples of what these workers were being sent into the room to do were to draw blood work, give shots, and work with other hazardous bodily fluids and materials. It was clear to me that not only was this ethical dilemma forming right in front of my eyes, but it was also very likely illegal. I was at a loss regarding what I should do at the time. It felt like I would be betraying my fellow nurses by turning them in. However, I knew it was wrong to send unqualified workers into the room with the patient to perform tasks that they were not trained to do. The primary ethical reasoning used in this case was deontological ethics. According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2009, pg. 1), â€Å"The word deontology derives from the Greek words for duty (done) and science (or study) of (logos). In contemporary moral philosophy, deontology is one of those kinds of normative theories regarding which choices are morally required, forbidden, or permitted.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Discussion Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 10

Discussion Questions - Essay Example ncludes, but is not limited to, knowledge of the activities of competitors such as their sales and marketing strategies, price points, research and development, patents, mergers and acquisitions, hirings and firings, and so on. Besides this knowledge of what other competing companies are doing, it also includes knowing for example, relevant regulatory legislation such as deregulation and pollution standards, and awareness of new markets, emerging technologies, new competitors and public opinion etc. Knowledge of all the above-mentioned factors that impinge on the competitive environment contributes to a more complete understanding of multinational and global market research by providing the company already present or wishing to engage in this environment a profound insight into everything that can directly affect it. For example, legislation on safety standards would make it necessary for the company to conform to them; taking advantage of new technologies could help to improve the manufacture and assembly processes, communication systems, marketing and distribution networks etc. And, scarcity in the availability of raw materials could mean that the company would have to make alternative arrangements or seek new supply channels. Marketing fundamentals dictate that market knowledge should be used to increase sales but existing or returning customers help to perpetuate sales. So, in a highly competitive and especially shrinking market, customer satisfaction becomes all the more important. It is usually easier to try and keep current customers by keeping them satisfied that it is to seek out potential new customers. â€Å"Competitors that are prospering in the new global economy recognize that measuring customer satisfaction is key.† (Cacioppo, 2000) This way they can not only hold on to existing customers but also learn better to attract new ones. In the mobile phone industry for example, customers are normally subscribed to one cellular network. However, it is a

Small business financials Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Small business financials - Assignment Example Increase in population has various positive effects on the businesses as well. This rise directly affects demand and supply of various goods and services including food and clothing as they are very basic in nature and required by everyone. In this regard, it is important to mention that the purchasing power of ordinary Qataris is considerably strong and sound as well; the recent estimates reflect that per capita income of ordinary Qatari is $88,000 in 2010 and this country has been identified as among the world’s richest countries (Greenfield, 2012; World Bank, 2015). Based on these fundamental economic indicators, it can be easily deduced that Qatar is ideal country for the purpose of investment as the country has all those basic economic and infrastructural factors that are highly needed for every investor. More clearly, the country has ideal business climate where stable currency exchange rate, low or no crime rate and investment friendly policies of the government, above all the absence of terror threats are some of those indicators that catch the eye of every investors. Keeping these healthy and attractive factors in mind, it is highly reasonable to open small scale retail shop in the country with the following basic accounting and budgetary allocations and estimations. Unique will be name given to this new retail store as this retail store will be located at the centre of Doha city. This location has been chosen for various reasons. First, this city is commercial hub of the country where trade and other commercial activities are carried out; additionally, Doha is highly populated area in the entire country. At the same time, the city is undergoing a faster pace of urbanization which further attracts investment and migrants from under developed areas of the country (Kovessy, 2014). And the government’s

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Discussion Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 10

Discussion Questions - Essay Example ncludes, but is not limited to, knowledge of the activities of competitors such as their sales and marketing strategies, price points, research and development, patents, mergers and acquisitions, hirings and firings, and so on. Besides this knowledge of what other competing companies are doing, it also includes knowing for example, relevant regulatory legislation such as deregulation and pollution standards, and awareness of new markets, emerging technologies, new competitors and public opinion etc. Knowledge of all the above-mentioned factors that impinge on the competitive environment contributes to a more complete understanding of multinational and global market research by providing the company already present or wishing to engage in this environment a profound insight into everything that can directly affect it. For example, legislation on safety standards would make it necessary for the company to conform to them; taking advantage of new technologies could help to improve the manufacture and assembly processes, communication systems, marketing and distribution networks etc. And, scarcity in the availability of raw materials could mean that the company would have to make alternative arrangements or seek new supply channels. Marketing fundamentals dictate that market knowledge should be used to increase sales but existing or returning customers help to perpetuate sales. So, in a highly competitive and especially shrinking market, customer satisfaction becomes all the more important. It is usually easier to try and keep current customers by keeping them satisfied that it is to seek out potential new customers. â€Å"Competitors that are prospering in the new global economy recognize that measuring customer satisfaction is key.† (Cacioppo, 2000) This way they can not only hold on to existing customers but also learn better to attract new ones. In the mobile phone industry for example, customers are normally subscribed to one cellular network. However, it is a

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Cost of Resource Essay Example for Free

Cost of Resource Essay The allocation and cost of resources need to be carefully monitored if a project is to be delivered on-time and on-budget. At a minimum this section will contain the following: Allocation of resources to project tasks (both labor and material) Cost estimates for project resources Gantt diagram showing duration estimates for all tasks and their sequencing (including precedence relations) and highlighting any critical path(s) arising from task dependencies ultimately determining the minimal duration of a project In addition summarize any relevant facts about the project duration, number or type of resources, critical task sequencing, or how duration estimates were arrived at, and any financial implications (for example, budget or cost reports of the project as well) Develop a baseline for your project plan so that all future variances are captured. Write 3 to 4 pages on your findings. When it comes to succeeding in college, there are many influential factors. In fact, even your choice of seat can make a difference. Try to score a seat near the front of the lecture hall rather than one right next to the exit. You are more likely to stay engaged and can ask your professor questions easily.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Borrelia Burgdorferi and Lyme Disease

Borrelia Burgdorferi and Lyme Disease Megan Eifert   Background The helical shaped pathogen Borrelia burgdorferi is a member of spirochete bacterium that is best known as the causative agent of Lyme disease. Belonging to the phylum Spirochaetes, these bacteria are characterized by a lipid bilayer known as the outer membrane sheath, as well as an inner space between a long cylindrical protoplasm and outer membrane sheath referred to as the periplasm (Metapathogen, 2012). Genus Borrelia comes from the French bacteriologist Amedee Borrel who identified a set of organisms that caused tick-borne and louse-borne relapsing fever in humans and animals (Metapathogen, 2012). Specific to the group Borrelia burgdorferi typically only 1 ÃŽÂ ¼m wide but up to 25 ÃŽÂ ¼m long, a unique characteristic of wavelike bodies and flagella are bound between the inner and other cell membranes, proving to be vital in the success of these bacteria. This feature is especially important to defining the highly invasive classification of these bacteria by allowing the pa thogen to travel effectively through tissue of its infected host (Burke, 2005). Similarly an important feature of B. burgdorferi are their outer surface proteins that have been researched to play a large role in the transmission of the pathogen as well as been the focus of those working on producing an effective vaccine against it (Burke, 2005). Metabolic capabilities are limited in these bacteria and therefore gaining energy is a task relied upon the hosts in which B. burgdorferi infect. With an optimal growth condition at 32 ° C in a low oxygen environment, even the best conditions demonstrate a slow generation time of between 12 to 24 hours (Tilly, 2008). Using glucose and carbohydrates as their main energy source, their genome has been identified to encode transport proteins such as ABC transporters and enzymes that are utilized in the phosphotransferase system and others similar that have the ability to gather compounds from both host or environment (Burke, 2005). Without the capability to produce energy from the TCA cycle, oxidative phosphorylation or an electron transport train, B. burgdorferi utilizes substrate-level phosphorylation to produce ATP within the cell necessary for these bacteria to remain successful (Rosa, 2005). There are three species of B. burgdorferi that have been identified in causing most cases of human disease. With a natural reservoir found to be a variety of small mammals, B. burgdorferi sensu stricto, B. garinii, and B. afzelii are the typical strains identified in almost all cases of clinical disease. Specific to the United States, B. burgdorferi sensu stricto is the only species clinically associated with human disease whereas all three species have been found in Europe, and B. garinii and B. afzelii have both been identified in Asia (Metapathogen, 2012). Clinical Significance Although infection within natural hosts does not regularly cause disease, Borrelia burgdorferi is a tick-borne obligate pathogen that when infection occurs in humans can elicit the human immune-patholgical response and cause Lyme disease (Borrelia, 2007). Dr. Alan Steere and his team first clinically identified Lyme disease in 1977 as an infectious illness that continues to be the leading vector-borne disease in the United States (Borrelia, 2007). Through research of geographic regions with a surge of patients exhibiting seasonal occurrence of similar symptoms, Dr. Steere hypothesized the epidemiology of Lyme disease suggested transmission of the pathogen was occurring through an arthropod vector. Following the lead of Dr. Steere, a Dr. Willy Burgdorfer began to study a group of spirochetes found and collected from midgut tissues of ticks native to areas relative to the Lyme disease outbreaks. The bacteria isolated continuously produced a skin rash similar to erythema migrans when te sted on rabbits within a laboratory setting and samples from Lyme disease patients reacted with the bacteria when used in indirect immunofluorescence assays (WI, 2011). As a consequence of these observations, this set of organisms was first given their now recognizable name, Borrelia burgdorferi. Clinical manifestations of Lyme disease vary upon the species identified as the causative agent however; many common symptoms and features are shared across all cases of disease. According to reports from Mayo Clinic, most often the first symptoms described include an erythema migrans rash often in the shape of a bulls-eye at the site of the bite, accompanied by symptoms that most resemble an influenza-like infection (Lyme, 2015). Once patients exhibit these skin lesions, non-specific symptoms such as headaches, generalized lymphadenopathy, generalized lymphadenopathy and splenomegaly, migratory musculoskeletal pain, hepatitis, sore throat, non-productive cough, conjunctivitis or periorbital edema may arise, causing in most cases the discomfort associated with a diagnosis of Lyme disease (Lyme, 2015). Specific to most cases identified in the United States by the B. burgdorferi, arthritis is one of the main associated symptoms that patients struggle with. When infection persists to stage 2 after a few weeks, Mayo Clinic sources indicate about 15% of patients develop neurological deficits and abnormalities such as meningitis, encephalitis, cranial neuritis (including bilateral facial palsy), motor or sensory radiculoneuritis, mononeuritis multiplex, or myelitis (Lyme, 2015). Once neurological problems begin, patients can develop cardiac complications as well while continuing to experience a high amount of musculoskeletal pains throughout the body. When symptoms of Lyme disease persist beyond the typical treatment time, chronic Lyme disease can set in and patients experience post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome resulting from weakened immunity, systemic bacterial infection and inhibited cellular function and protection (Transmission, 2015). Over two-thirds of patients diagnosed with Lyme disease by infection of B. burgdorferi will develop chronic neurologic or skin involvement and non-specific arthritis. Symptoms characteristic of chron ic fatigue syndrome have been described as lasting for years following infection, proving infection with this bacterium can live in harmony within its human host making it a successful pathogen. According to the CDC, Lyme disease affects approximately 60,000 people worldwide per year however; mortality caused by the pathogen remains low at only 114 deaths reported from the disease in the United States between 1999-2003 (Transmission, 2015). Lyme disease can be accompanied by a wide variety of systemic involvement with varying clinical manifestations dependent on the stage of disease identified making both the course of illness and treatment inconsistent between patients. Borrelia burgdorferi elicits a variety of strategies in order to penetrate the immune systems of its hosts in hopes to successfully remain a viable bacterium. Inducing both the innate and adaptive immune responses, the bacteria have adapted to their reservoir hosts causing ineffectiveness of immunity to clear the bacteria out of the system entirely. Prior to activation, cleaved complement molecules form on the surface of the bacteria to help promote bacteriolysis while negatively regulating the complement system through various regulators to avoid host tissue damage (Tilly, 2008). With the goal of inhibiting the complement system, B. burgdorferi utilize outer surface proteins hosted on their outer membranes to bind complement regulators in order to successfully inhibit the complement system and its killing response. With the complement system inhibited, the bacteria are able to better survive within the blood stream and thus promoting further disease manifestations (Tilly, 2008). Vaccination for Lyme disease is a concept of both the publics past and future but not present. Administered in three doses, the first and only of its kind a vaccine against Lyme disease was licensed in 1998 by SmithKline Beecham (Poland, 2011). The vaccine in theory was to stimulate antibodies that would attack B. burgdorferi within the vectors gut as it fed on its human host, thus preventing the bacteria to enter the body and showed to be 78% effective following all doses completion (Poland, 2011). In 2002 the company producing the vaccine had removed it from the market and ever since a similar vaccine to protect humans against Lyme disease has not been re-introduced to the public. Diagnostic and Treatment Diagnosis of Lyme disease can be difficult due to the various nonspecific signs and symptoms associated with not only infection by Borrelia burgdorferi, but characteristic of many similar diseases. Typically the rash characteristic of Lyme disease in an area known to host ticks that transmit the disease does not warrant further testing for a diagnosis. Most often used to provide a more definitive Lyme disease diagnosis is the use of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test. ELISA detects Lyme disease by identifying antibodies to its causative pathogen, although this test may provide false-positives or negatives even when the bacteria is present due to the stage the disease is in (Borrelia, 2007). If an ELISA test proves positive, Western blot tests are used to confirm infection of B. burgdorferi, which identify antibodies against multiple proteins characteristic of the pathogen (Lyme, 2015). Several therapeutics are used to treat patients infected with Lyme disease and as with most disease treatments the sooner treatment is able to begin, the better and sooner recovery is achievable. Oral antibiotics are used as the first line of standard treatment with an early-stage diagnosis of Lyme disease. With a 14 to 21 day regimen, antibiotics prescribed according to Mayo Clinic typically include doxycycline for adults and children older than 8, or amoxicillin or cefuroxime for adults, younger children, and pregnant or breast-feeding women (Lyme, 2015). Oral antibiotics are used most often to treat skin rashes and influenza-like symptoms associated with the first stages of Lyme disease. Intravenous antibiotics may be employed for treatment if the disease has involved the central nervous system and this method of treatment has been shown to be effective in eliminating the infection but not without lingering symptoms according to the CDC. When chronic Lyme disease or post treatment Lyme disease syndrome is suspected, antibiotics are not effective in treating symptoms or the disease, and effective treatments remain unknown once the disease has progressed on. Although much research is unavailable, many living with chronic Lyme disease explain turning to natural remedies as treatment such as dietary suggestions to help increase immune function or adding supplements to help improve cell structure and function to help alleviate symptoms (Borrelia, 2007). References Borrelia burgdorferi. (2007). Retrieved March 25, 2017, from Burke G, Wikel SK, Spielman A, Telford SR, McKay K, Krause PJ, et al. Hypersensitivity to Ticks and Lyme Disease Risk. Emerging Infectious Disease. 2005 Jan. Volume 11(1), p. 36-41. Lyme disease. (2015). Retrieved March 25, 2017, from disease/basics/definition/CON-20019701 burgdorferi. (2012). Retrieved March 25, 2017, from Poland GA. Vaccines against Lyme Disease: what happened and what lessons can we learn? Clin Infect Dis. (2011) 52 (suppl 3): s253-s258. Retrieved March 25,2017. Rosa, PA., Tilly, K., and Steward, PE. The Burgeoning Molecular Genetics of the Lyme Disease Spirochaete. Nature Reviews Microbiology. 2005. Volume 3(2), p. 129- 143. Tilly, K., Rosa, P. A., Stewart, P. E. (2008, June). Biology of Infection with Borrelia burgdorferi. Retrieved March 25, 2017, from Transmission. (2015, March 04). Retrieved March 25, 2017, from WI, K. T. (2011, May). Lyme Disease. Retrieved March 25, 2017, from

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Essay --

Best iPhone 4 cases Have you ever wondered which iphone cases are the best for your iphone 4? Here we will give you information that will help you find the best iphone 4 cases that will suit your personal taste and personality; ï  ¶ The Incipio feather ultralight The Incipio Feather Ultralight case is a great protecting cover since it does not add weight to your iphone, top it up it’s thin and offers a soft touch. ï  ¶ Case-mate barely there brushed aluminium This is a brushed, thin aluminium case that looks great and come in various colours. ï  ¶ Body glove icon hybrid The body glove is affordable and very efficient.It has two exterior slides to prevent damage to the outer surface of the iphone.The interior gel been anti-microbic stays cool and clean for a very long term.The three pieces are varying colours giving it a cool look. ï  ¶ Mophie juice pack pro If you love outdoor adventures then the mophie juice pack pro is the best case for your iphone 4.The case is expensive but its worth the price.It also has four separate layers of protection thus you don’t have to worry about rain,dirt or drops anymore.The rubber case has a belt clip included and it easy to carry around. ï  ¶ Crystal couture elegante series case This cases are really pleasant to the eye because of the combination of the loeopard’s skin and the crystals.The crystals do fall off but when buying the case you are given extra crystals to replace the fallen ones. ï  ¶ Marware double take iphone case The design of polycarbonates gives the iphone 4 tough protection and it is also easy to grip.It also gives one a sense of style.The cases come in different colours and does not hide the apple logo. ï  ¶ Moshi concerti case This super cool leather flip case is averagely w... ...up with a loyal design.If you are really careless with phones then this is the right case for you. ï  ¶ Griffin Elan Form Exotics cases This case offers an awesome balance between style and protection.It has an outer layer that protects it from scratches.These cases come in a variety of colours. ï  ¶ ZeroChroma varioprotect case The case offers perfect protection to your iphone .The case is made of rubber to prevent slithering.The kickstand case gives you an opportunity to place your iphone at various angles. ï  ¶ Gelaskins Hardcase When you have already chosen the colour and design of the case,you can be able to download a corresponding wallpaper.The case is unaffected by scratch. Hurry up and go to the stalls and grab yourself a cool case for your iphone cause with this this information am sure you won’t be stranded again in chosing the best case.